lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Novedades en los modelos tributarios de IVA para España

Como ya es conocido, el Real Decreto-ley 20/2012, de 13 de julio, de medidas para garantizar la estabilidad presupuestaria y de fomento de la competitividad, introdujo cambios en el "Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas" y en el "Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido".
Estos cambios entraron en vigor el día 1 de Septiembre de 2012 e implican la subida tanto de los tipos normal y reducido de IVA y Recargo de Equivalencia, como de las retenciones a profesionales.

En respueta a estos cambios tributarios Openbravo publicó tal y como ya se comunicó:

Es momento ahora de publicar una nueva versión de los modelos tributarios de IVA que también se han visto afectados por los cambios introducidos por el Real Decreto-Ley 20/2012.

Estos modelos son:

Por último, recalcar que los modelos tributarios anuales que se listan a continuación también pueden verse afectados por estos cambios:
  • Modelo 347 (IVA) - Declaración anual de operaciones con terceros
  • Modelo 390 (IVA) - Declaración anual de IVA
  • Modelo 190 (IRPF) - Declaración informativa de retenciones e ingresos a cuenta.
De ser así Openbravo publicará una nueva versión de estos modelos una vez que la Agencia Tributaria de a conocer los cambios en dichos modelos si los hubiera.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

As promised we keep going on our way of Openbravo User Guide improvements.

This time there is a mix of items we have improved.

1.-  In response to the feedback received there is one key concept and one key process we have better documented:

The concept:

The Payment Method article of the User Guide describes now in deep the  "Payment Method" concept as well as the "Payment Cycle" in Openbravo. This helps to understand the payment method configuration and accounting.

This article includes now a set of examples which illustrate how different payment methods behave depending on their setup.
To close the loop the Payment Method tab and the Accounting Configuration tab of the Financial Account window have also been improved.

The process:

The Open/Close Period Control article of the User Guide describes now how "Period Control" impacts on the "Close Year" process and the other way around. Besides, this article includes now a set of examples which illustrate different scenarios for which "Period Control" feature can be useful.

The "Close Year" process explanation is now split in two parts:
- the Execution section of the "Period End Close to Financial Report" business flow describes now the very basic steps of this process. This section also explains how those steps can be executed in Openbravo.
- and the Fiscal Calendar article includes now a detailed explanation and an example of the "Closing" accounting entries automatically generated by this process.

2.- The use of a G/L Journal configured as a template is now explained step by step referred to the How to manage payroll accounting and payment article.
This feature is a key feature on recurring accounting practices such as payroll accounting executed on a monthly basis.

3.- The Product Selector is now better documented within the Common Openbravo Concepts & Processes section of the User Guide.
You will learn that there are two main views of it, one of them aimed to support commercial needs while the other one is aimed to support warehouse needs. 
As a side but key feature the commercial product selector allows you to choose alternative price list in an order or invoice line, so the one on the header is really only to be considered the default price list for the order/invoice, not the price list for the document.

We welcome you to read all these new articles and let us know your feedback!!

As always we would like to thank you for the feedback you've already provided. 
According to it our next priority is to improve the General Setup article.
The main feedback we have received is that although from the name of the area customers expect to have instructions on how to setup Openbravo in reality it does not explain this. The reason for that is that the current documentation of the General Setup follows the structure of the application.
Therefore after our planned change this article will have a clear explanation of the steps to follow while setting up Openbravo. It will differentiate basic and advanced setup and it will refer to the Quick Guide for an explanation of the basic setup. As a consequence of that the Quick Guide is also going to be improved.

Last but not least we would like to share with you the list of the How To articles we have by now. Please vote for the ones already in there or suggest new ones. You can also use User Voice ( to collect votes by adding pending How Toes as Ideas.

Stay tuned to the Documentation channel.
